
Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Last Minute (Month) Trip

     About a month before departure, the doors opened for me to go to Romania. It was a really hectic month as we hurried to apply for a passport and buy an airplane ticket and at the same time get my sisters packed and on their way. Then try to wait patiently as the weeks rolled by and no passport came. Praise the Lord it arrived a week before we left.
*This post is for ya'll, Es and Faith!

                                    Waving good-bye to my family after going through security.

                                Hannah and I in the plane. We were so blessed to get quite good seats.

                           We flew from Dallas to Frankfurt and then from Frankfurt to Romania.

                                   Taking a bus to board the plane. I loved riding in these buses!

As I looked out the airplane window and this view met my eyes, I couldn't help but think of the verse in 1 Chronicles 29. "Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all."  

 After landing in Otopeni Romania, we were picked up by one of the orphanage staff and went to a hotel for the night. The next morning we traveled to Brosteni.

              There were a lot of people that set up stands of things to sell by the side of the road. These brooms reminded me especially of Es and Faith! :-)

A couple hours from our destination we broke down. Uncle Adi tried to fix it, but wasn't able to so we had to wait for 3 hours for someone to come and get us. We had a really nice time visiting with each other, though!

                                                            Our very patient mechanic!

                     At about 8:15 we decided to get some pizza at a little pizza shop on the square.

It got dark very quickly after we were picked up and as we drove to the orphanage I notice these lighted crosses on the side of the road. I thought that they looked really neat!

                                                           The view from our window.

We worked in the bakery a lot while we were there. Every morning after breakfast we would go to the bakery and spend most of the morning there making bread and special treats. We got to see a wood oven and learn how to use one. That was really interesting.

       This is the biggest Kitchen Aid I have ever seen! I was amazed at it's size the first time I saw it!

This is the door to the wood oven. I was expecting it to be a lot bigger and was so surprised by how very small it was.
This is the outside of the wood oven. It was in a different room then the bakery so the baker had to run back and forth between the two rooms tending the fire and making the bread.

The bread in the oven almost ready to come out. About 20 loaves fit in the oven.
We ended up having to walk to the supermarket almost every morning to pick up something for the special pastries.
The supermarket
Hannah waiting in front of the supermarket.
Some of our helpers. We made lemon bread, monkey bread, and cookie croissants.

Giving out the croissants.
Enjoying the monkey bread.
I spent most of my time with these girls. They are all so sweet!
Hair styling...every day we got more orders. :-)
Hannah brought the materials to make flower clips. The girls really, really enjoyed that!

Hannah and I with several of the girls.
Estera, and I
It was very raining and cloudy most of the time we were there, but Wednesday was sunny and warm so we got to spend quite a bit of it outside, which was really nice.
Taking a walk in the afternoon.

We got to try some mountain water. It was SO cold, but really good!

A coffee machine!! We made good use of it! It cost 1 Lei to use the machine which is about 30 cents.
My buddies!
I love these girls...
...and I miss them so much!
I'm so glad that I could meet Uncle Adi!
The school year ended a couple days after we got there so we were able to attend the school graduation. It was very interesting!

Some of the children performing.

Friday afternoon we went to a village about an hour away to give food to several families and meet some children that need to come to the orphanage. It was really sad to hear the stories of the different families and see their needs.
Stopping on the side of the road to enjoy the scenery and take pictures.

Saturday was a very busy day. It started off in the studio, practicing songs that we would be recording a little later in the day for Bread of Life's new cd. We also decided to make pizza. It got quite chaotic running to and from the bakery to the studio, recording songs and making sure the pizza wasn't burning.

There were so many things going on at once!

Hanging out in between songs.
Getting ready to record.
The whole group.
                        In the bakery, the pizza making was in progress. We had a lot of great helpers!

Putting toppings on

We got to bake them in the electric oven which was really nice.
Darren, and Alin
The children really like pizza!

The dining room.
Hannah, me, Andrada, and Christina

I love how you can see the rainbow in front of the mountain!
Sunday we got to go to a canyon. We had a really nice time!

Our trusty vehicle. :-)
"Is everyone here?"
Traveling to the canyon.
We're here!

Souvenir shops.

The shops look so small compared to the mountain!
We drove to the top of the mountain, had lunch and enjoyed the scenery.
Eating lunch

Driving home, we had a packed car and a very interesting time trying to talk to each other even though we didn't know very much of each others language. We had a great time!

Our last evening at the orphanage was really hard. I think saying good-bye is always hard! We got lots of hugs and pictures.

Hannah, and I with Gabi. I'm SO glad that I was able to meet him and his family!
Gabi's wife, Ana. She's so sweet!

Waving good-bye...sniff...

     We were so sad to leave, but enjoyed our trip completely. There were many unforgettable memories made!

     "The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them." Psalm 145:18-19

God is Faithful,


  1. This is a great post, Lizzy! Looks like you made some friends and had a lot of fun! You got some beautiful pictures of the scenery!

  2. I loved the post, Lizzy! We'll look at it again and again! Haha-the brooms were great! :D The picture of the clouds taken in the plane was just amazing! Also, the scenic pictures! The pizza and breads look SO good...especially the pizza! :P Also loved the picture you took of the van through a window! That was a neat idea! You look beautiful and it was so good to see your new friends!

  3. Lizzy, I really enjoyed reading of your adventure. You gave us an excellent synopsis of your trip. Thank you for caring for those less fortunate and for sharing with us.

  4. Thank you for sharing, Lizzy! It was a wonderful post!! The scenic pictures were beautiful and it was so nice to see the people that you met and talk about!!
