
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Train Ride

From the St Louis Edition:

For our second anniversary, we celebrated by going on our first train ride.  We took the train to a historic German town called Hermann.  We spent the day there and then rode it back.

Here comes our train!

The train didn't stay at the station very long.  We hurried on board and off we went.

This is what the interior looked like... very much like an airplane only more spacious and comfortable.  Compared to the noise of the train from the outside, the inside was very quiet and the ride was smooth.  I liked it better than an airplane.  We stopped at one station during our one hour trip before we came to Hermann.

The caboose at Hermann.
We found a coffee shop where we played games and ate our lunch. And of course, drank coffee. 

A funny sign at the coffee shop!

After lunch, we walked up town.  These neat doors were along the way.

We visited several small shops.  Danny snoozed in the carrier just like we hoped he would.

At one of the shops, Steven bought me this beautiful rose!

Danny boy is stretching his legs.

After we ate supper, we sat by the river and waited for our train.

We had a very warm but fun day!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17

Brought to you by: Rebekah Benner


  1. I love it!! Do post again, please??????

  2. Oh, I've only looked at this post like 100 times! :D Not quite, but we look at it over and over! Thanks for posting! The Steven gave you was beautiful! When I come in December shall we ride the train? :P

  3. It looks like you had a wonderful day!!! Your rose was beautiful!!
