
Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Sequel to Smiles And Snuggles

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We decided to take a quick trip up to St. Louis to see Steven, Bekah, and Danny Boy!  We left Thursday afternoon and came back Sunday.                                                                                                   

Danny Boy playing with the car and boat that Uncle Andrew gave him for his birthday.

Going shopping!  Danny loves playing with straws.
Looking at his aunts.
Kissing Mommy's feet!  Silly boy!
Spending time together on Saturday.  We're all on our own device!
We played Rummy, Settlers of Caton, and scrabble  in the afternoon and evening.
His new discovery!
Heading home.  Sniff, sniff!
This is the Canadian River in OK.  It looked more like a huge lake!
Back home again!  It was a short but wonderful trip!

From: Rachel

1 comment:

  1. Very nice blog, Rachel! We had a really nice time visiting the Benner's and they have a really nice apt!
