
Monday, June 23, 2014

Smiles and Snuggles

From the St. Louis Edition:

Mom and Rach came for a short visit!  It was much to short but I'm glad they could come at all!

So happy to see Aunt Rachel...

...and Grammie!

 Danny loves piggyback rides!

Aunt Rachel is showing him something funny!  

Danny figured out how to climb on top of the cooler!  Now he can reach greater heights of achievements! 

We are so glad y'all came to visit, Mom and Rach!  Love y'all!

    This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24

Brought to you by: Rebekah Benner


  1. We had a really nice time with you all! It was good to see you! Love you!

  2. Danny has the best smile!!! He's such a cutie! :)
