Thursday, July 9, 2015

Study, Study, Study....and More Study

I feel like that has been my life for the last 5 weeks. But it is so rewarding! :-) Today marked the end of my first semester of college. Wow! I can't believe it's gone by so fast. However, I'm not the only one that's been studying. Faith's joined me by starting an EMT class.

My stack of studying material
Faith's book - studying is made so much better when you have a cup of coffee (or several!) to go along with it.
Pumpkin decided it was the 'in thing' to study and of course had to join us.
Studying together

Yep...I really felt like this several times. Who doesn't at some point?

One of my class assignments was to read a research article, summarize it, and then write several pages explaining how it  correlated with class content. I was so relieved when it was done. :-)
I tried to start out with only a few of my books, but somehow, I always ended up needing all of them.
 Thinking back over the past 5 weeks, the verse that comes first to my mind is one found in 1 Samuel.
                  "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." 

God is Faithful!