Wednesday, September 9, 2015

From Texas To Washington

         In August, I was able to help my friend, Karlynn, move from Texas to Washington where she got a job as a teacher. It took us about 4 days drive before we got to our destination with a few stops to visit relatives of hers.

Day 1

Our cargo
For your information, those car top carriers, although nice, are VERY loud. Whenever 
we wanted to say something to each other, we would have to shout to be heard.

Off we go.
The road stretching endlessly before us. :)

As we drove along, we saw so many of these abandoned houses out in the middle of nowhere.  It made me
 wonder if the people who lived in these houses had any friends, because they were so far from anyone. 
They must have been pretty lonely. 

This one doesn't have a roof anymore.

"The heavens declare the glory of God;the skies
proclaim the work of His hands." Ps. 19:1
"I will lift up my eyes to the mountains- where
does my help come from? My help comes from the
Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Ps 121:1,2

We're in Colorado!! We stopped in Colorado Springs for the night This is our hotel. A friend"s 
relatives where so gracious to host us for dinner and the night. They were really sweet.

Before we went to bed, we went on a walk to stretch out 
legs and get a glimpse of the city. It was beautiful there.

Day 2

   We were up and ready to leave the next morning by 6:00. We wanted to miss the Denver traffic. Thankfully, we did miss most  of it.

Tightening the straps. 
On the road again.
   It was a very scenic and diverse drive. Most of the time we drove through the mountains which was gorgeous. This day, we drove the rest of the way though Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and into Oregon. It was a long day.

These last three pictures are of ranches in Wyoming. Wyoming is SO spacious. There  is nothing and 
nobody out there. This is where you have to really keep an eye on your gas tank. When you come to a 
town the signs will say, (beyond this town) "No services for 30 miles." "No sevices for 50 miles" ect.

Utah was beautiful, but I don't really have many pictures of it because I was driving.

See how dim the sun is?
Look how gray the sky is.
Did you notice how hazy it was compared to Wyoming?

Yes, fires have been here. We never actually saw any fire during our trip, but you could tell that 
there were fires somewhere by all the haze from them. On a side note, look at all those engines.

I like trains.
   We arrived at our hotel around 8:30. We were VERY tired and hungry. So we walked to Panda Express. It was the first time I've ever been there. It was delicious, especially when you are craving rice! :)

Day 3

   Still sleepy the next morning, but time to get back on the road. This day was very short because we stopped to visit a cousin of Karlynn's.

Playing at the park with Karlynn's cousin's children. They are really sweet and so much fun!

Yes, this park had a merry-go-round. I haven't seen one of those since I was a tiny child. 
They were my favorite part of a park growing up. So it was kind of fun to see one again.

Well, day 4 is coming up soon. Stay tuned. :)

  "God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah."  Psalm 46:1-3

The Traveler,    



  1. Yep, traveler describes you pretty well, Es! Nice post! Your dinner at Panda Express makes me want some too.

  2. It looks like you saw some beautiful country and had a good time as well!!
