
Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Cousins Come to Visit

From the St. Louis Edition

Since Andrew, Danny and I were leaving PA earlier than the others, the Fischer cousins came up to see us!  We had a really nice visit with them.  They enjoyed seeing the babies for the first time though it took some time to get Danny warmed up to a whole new crowd of people.

Phoebe was in baby heaven!

Trying to charm Danny into being held.

He loved riding on the boys' shoulders.

Anna found her chance when it was Danny's snack time!

We played some Ladder Golf before our picnic supper.

The visit ended much too soon but we had a great time seeing everyone!

Serve the Lord with gladness:
come before his presence with singing. 
Psalms 100:2

Brought to you by: Rebekah Benner

1 comment:

  1. What a nice post!! It was so good to see everyone!! So sad we live so far apart!!
