Sunday, May 28, 2017

That Very Special Post!!!

Lizzy's First Competition!!!!

On May 21st, Lizzy did her first ISI competition! It was a BIG deal, but she did beautifully!! She was so graceful and SO good at it! She's a natural on the ice and her coach is sure she's been skating for more than a year and a half and says her poise and technique are Olympic style. He tells her she must have skated in another life. :D We are all SO proud! 

Let the program begin.

She's so beautiful!

This is one of my favorites!

I love this one! It's my most favorite one!

Lizzy and her coach, Tim.

Mom and Lizzy, our celebrity.

Rach and Lizzy

First place in her section.

"So tall and stylish."

Emma LOVES watching skating. Look at her excitement! 

Gammy and Corrie. Corrie loves watching, too.

Part of the cheering bench.

After the competition, we went to On The Border to celebrate her accomplishment. 

One end of the table

The other end. :) Look at Corrie! Such a cute expression. 

My meal, empanadas. They were SO good!

All she wanted was chips and queso. This is what she got. It was a LOT
more nacho than she thought. :) She was not expecting it to be this BIG.

Roses from Dad...

...and her first place metal.
 "You have led in your steadfast love the people whom you have redeemed; you have guided them by your strength..." Ex. 15:13

Signing off:

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Fun at the Aunt Hill!


Yes, this is another flashback. One of these days we'll catch up. :) So...back in March, Bekah and the kids came down for a visit with her best friend, Jessica and her kids. We had an awesome time together talking, playing volleyball, and just hanging out. I think I'll start you off with our India party. When I got home from work, I made dinner. Then we got all the kids food, and while they ate, we played volleyball. Sorry! I don't have any pictures. We were all playing. 

Eating tasty Indian food. They especially LOVED the chai.

Chicken curry, rice, naan, and Chai. So good!

Jessica is learning to eat the Indian way. :)
After dinner, I pulled out Faith's and my Indian clothes for everyone to try on. Everyone loved it, even the kids! :)


Aunt Lizzy, Danny, Nalha, and Sofia

All dressed up. :D

It was SO fun!

The next thing I want to show you, is our field trip to The Log Cabin Village in Fort Worth! It is very quaint and very cute. Totally "Worth" going to see. 

We started the day out with a picnic lunch...

...and a mini photo shoot. :)

The biggest log cabin.

But first, some pictures.

Such a cute picture of them.

We five girls

We are standing outside the old smokehouse. It was really interesting
to learn how they preserved meat back in the day.

Next we moved on to a cabin that was set up for everyone to pretend you lived during those days. It was pretty fun and the kids loved it the most, but I'm glad we live in the times we do. 

The water is on to boil.

It's a photo shoot of poor Delly. 

The kids enjoying the water pump. It was very novel to them.

Faith grinding wheat and Jessica hanging the herbs to dry.

Nahla and Delly gathering the "eggs".

We need to water the garden.

Delly, Sofia, and Danny just dug up the potatoes. 

The bell and the schoolhouse. 

Mom and Jessica

The grist mill. It's such a picturesque little building. I love waterwheels. 

This is my dream herb garden! It's SO beautiful!

More of the herb garden.

We ended our fun day at Dickey's Barbecue
for a very delicious dinner. Mmmm. 

Delly's first ice cream cone. Don't worry. She's had ice cream
plenty of times, but now she's learning about ice cream cones. :)
Thank you Dickey's for free ice cream cones. (Well, sort of free.)

The rest are random pictures of different things we did together during their stay. It is always SUCH a blast when they come!

Aunt Lizzy building a car garage for the kids.

Petting the horses. Only one is pictured, but there are five.
The kids enjoyed feeding them apples and carrots with
Opa. Sadly, I don't have any pictures of that.

Hmm, they are probably watching diggers with
Opa before everyone else woke up.

The UK ticket to ride. It's really fun, but definitely
more challenging than the US ticket to ride.

Of course there was plenty of coffee
all day every day, but this particular
day, it's coffee and chai. Sometimes
you just have to have both. :D So good!

We did a LOT of coloring and talking, deep conversation, fun conversations,
controversial conversations, funny conversations, catch-up conversations,
sister conversations. I think you get the idea. We talked a LOT over coloring.

The tire swing was a HUGE hit!!!!

Beautiful Delly Jean!!!

Here she is again.

Danny and Sofia hanging out.

Decorating a present for Aunt Rach! They thought it was great!

Corrie copying Uncle Ange while we watch a movie.

Well, that's all for now. I hope you've enjoyed these snapshots of our March. Goodbye for now. Stay tuned for a very special post...coming in a week or two. :P

"We give You thanks, O Lord God Almighty, The One who is and who was and who is to come, Because You have taken Your great power and reigned." Rev 11:17

Signing off: